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Fullness & Emptiness – Purna & Shunya

You are invited to retreat into meditation and asana practice, stillness and movement on the beautiful and peaceful island of Møn, as we immerse from late summer into early fall. 

Fullness, Purna in Sanskrit, is inherent to life. Summer is the full expression of nature, where nature gives us the best she can offer: daylight, sunshine, fruits, flowers and heat… Summer is a time of full potential also for most of us, as we get invited to our fuller expression. 

Yet nature also knows how to honor that where fullness comes from; emptiness itself. Emptiness, Sunya as yogis would call it, is an endless void that not only is completely unfiled but also contains an infinite pool of possibilities, where literally everything - every thought, creation, movement, ... and life itself - can be born. 

Contemplating on how the feeling of abundance must arise from an acceptance of the present moment itself, we explore and practice together on the meaning of fullness and emptiness. How the two intertwine and reflect back on each other. How emptiness - or in other words, a detachment from a constant longing towards something outside ourselves - can guide us into a state of completion and fullness. 

Concretely, this retreat will offer you a combination of strong dynamic practice to ignite fire and warmth and a softer restorative practice to invite a full release of body and mind. Besides the practice, you will be guided into meditation and inward contemplation and provided with time to reconnect to the peaceful nature surroundings and simply be.

This is an invitation to reset and rebalance into your body, heart, and mind, and enter fall and winter feeling ready to make the most of the upcoming “Sunya time” of the year.  

  • Morning:
    Every morning we start the day with a stronger practice, creating heat, support and space in the body. We dive into different patterns of movement, expanding and explore how a dynamic practice can take on many expressions and themes. Finishing each practice with a long savasana, where the can linger in the sweet afterglow of movement and let the practice sette and land in body and mind.

    In the afternoon we join together in a more gentle practice inspired by yin and restorative yoga. We guide the body to rest and recover in longer stretches and gentle slow flows, inviting the mind to become still and quiet. We practice with the intension of compassion to self, allowing ideas and build-in mind patterns of perfection and perfomance rest in exchange of a softer, sweater approach to body and self.

    Every evening we meet for about 30 minutes to round up the day. A meditation, a yoga nidra or maybe jogning together in chanting mantras.

  • Shared double room: 5100 dkr.

    (Price is Per person)

    Single room: 6100 dkr

    Scolarships: 3800 dkr (shared double room) Both scolarships are now booked

    There are 2 scolarship spaces available, first ones first. You will be expected to help out with smaller tasks, helping out in the kitchen, making tea and arranging fruits in the morning and such.

    Deposit: 2000 dkr.

    The deposit payment is non-refundable. The rest of the retreat price is due at the latest 30 days before the retreat starts. In the unfortunate case of cancellation on the participant’s end (aka you) after full price is paid, we cannot provide a refund but the participant is welcome to sell/pass on their reservation to someone else. Contact Cédric or Cecilie in case there is a waiting list.

  • Your spot is reserved when either depositum or full amount has been paid.

    Bank transfer

    Reg. nr: 3409

    Account nr: 12479026

    Inform about your desired type of room and transfer the corresponding amount.

    If any questions regarding payment or in general, dont hesitate to write to either:




  • Vegetarian meals are served 3 times a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner, using only local and organic ingredients. Food will not be strictly lactose or gluten-free, we might enjoy some cheese and sourdough bread, but options for those who prefer to avoid gluten and dairy will be available. Being at the peak of crop season a variety of fruit and vegetables will be the stars of the food show.

    If any allergens we appreciate to be informer.



Your teachers:

Cecilie Sofie Svensson: The fusion of power and softness, and how these two can come together both in a dynamic and strong practice and in a more gentle type of yoga, is probably what excites me the most in my teachings. Stretching how we understand and apply these two words in to the practice on and off the mat is of great learning to me. Fundamentally yoga keep reminding me of how I wish to be present in this life. Its the ongoing work of trusting myself as an individual and yet continously practice the art of change. Yoga sharpens my insight and softens my understanding so that hopefully I can look at myself and my surroundings from an honest and open place.

Cédric Gorinas: In his yoga and meditation classes, Cédric's intention is to help you find (or find again) a good and healthy posture, build strength and flexibility in your body, along with helping you slow down and soothe your nervous system in a deep way. He will guide both meditation and yoga sessions, gentle and dynamic, with his signature-style of heart-infused themes and precision tools for empowering body awareness and alignment. 

30. marts

Frø & Spire – et forårsretreat

7. marts

Frø & Spire – et forårsretreat om overgange, nye begyndelser og lyden af stilhed.