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Pure Joy! A summer retreat on the quality of joy, the obstacles we create around it and the sweetness of the surrender into it.

  • Stuebjergaard Refugium Stuebjerg Alle 19 Tisvildeleje, 3220 Denmark (kort)

To be in a state of joy is for many of us connected to something rare, exclusive, if not to say elusive. A feeling that exists only for the few lucky ones or in very brief moments that quickly dissolve before we even realize it and take it all in.

But what if…

What if joy was a state of mind that we could tap into, regardless of the conditions inside or around us (loss, ageing, grief, conflicts, job, relationships, societal changes…)?

What if joy was a quality that has always existed; a place or a truth inside each of us that no one, and nothing, can take away from us?

The ancient yogis indeed described our true nature as “Ananda”, literally pure joy or spontaneous joy: an inherent state that captures who we truly are; a principle upon which all in the universe is built on. The practice, then, represents a tool that can help us hold the contradictions, ups and downs, we face in life and not lose touch to a deep sense of joy.

To experience “Ananda,” two qualities are essential: presence and gratitude. Presence is our capacity to experience life as it is, not only through our mind but also through body, heart, and soul. When we come into presence, we create space fort the moment to unfold without expectations. This is when we can feel gratitude for what is. Gratitude opens us up to the simple joys that are already available in life—even in the most mundane and daily occurrences—which all build up to a long-lasting experience of pure joy or Ananda. During this retreat,

We will use our practice and the stunning natural setting to reestablish a connection to both presence and gratitude.

Using daily yoga, meditation, contemplative and playful time, inside and outside, simple and more elaborate nourishing time, this retreat will restrengthen your connection to your deeper nature: pure joy.

Concretely, you can expect a combination of strong dynamic practice to ignite fire and warmth and a softer restorative practice to invite a full release of body and mind each day. Besides the asana practice, you will be guided into meditation and inward contemplation and provided with time to connect to the peaceful natural surroundings, enjoy, and simply be.

This is an invitation to reset and rebalance your body, heart, and mind and step into summer fully ready to experience the pure joy in life and in yourself.

If any questions regarding payment or in general, don’t hesitate to write to us cedric@heartwiseyoga.com

We look forward to sharing this experience with you.

Much warmth,

Cedric & Cecilie

  • Morning

    Every morning, we start the day in silence with a short slow flow to open up the body and prepare for sitting meditation and breath/pranayama. After this morning practice, we will meet for a delicious breakfast and start practice again after a little break. This practice takes the form of an asana workshop focused on a particular theme. We finish each practice with a long savasana, where the body can linger in the sweet afterglow of movement and let the practice settle and land in body and mind.


    In the afternoon, after a nice lunch and a long break (to explore the nearby forest, beach or simply to rest on site) we join each other again for a gentler practice inspired by yin and restorative yoga. We guide the body to rest and recover in longer stretches and gentle slow flows, inviting the mind to become still and quiet. We practice with the intention of compassion to self, allowing ideas and build-in mind patterns of perfection and performance rest in exchange of a softer approach to body and self.


    Every evening after dinner and before bed, we meet for a short session to round up the day with meditation, yoga nidra or chanting.

  • Shared double room: 5100 dkk

    Single room: 6100 dkk

    Deposit: 2000 dkk

    The deposit payment is non-refundable. The rest of the retreat price is due at the latest 30 days before the retreat starts. In the unfortunate case of cancellation on the participant’s end (aka you) after full price is paid, we cannot provide a refund but the participant is welcome to sell/pass on their reservation to someone else. Contact Cédric or Cecilie in case there is a waiting list.


    4000 dkk (per person, in shared double room)

    There are 2 scholarships available, prioritized towards students, low-income earners. You will be expected to help out with smaller tasks, e.g. helping out in the kitchen, making tea, cutting fruits and the like.

    Included in the price is: teaching fee for 3 full days; 3 meals a day and snacks, tea & coffee; accommodation in chose room type; yoga props; access to beautiful nature!

    Not included: transportation to and from the retreat venue; any extra coffee or treats from the local shops on your leisure!

  • Your spot is reserved when either depositum or full amount has been paid. This can be done either by:

    Bank transfer

    From Denmark: Reg. nr: 3409, Account nr: 12479026

    International: BIC/SWIFT: DABADKKK , IBAN: 3330000012479026.


    Direct payment via this link (https://buytickets.at/heartwise/1097051) – small fee

  • Food:

    Cecilie, former chef and food stylist, experienced retreat “nourisher,” will be cooking for us. Vegetarian meals are served 3 times a day; breakfast, lunch, and dinner using only local and organic ingredients. Food will not be strictly lactose or gluten-free, we might enjoy some cheese and sourdough bread, but options for those who prefer to avoid gluten and dairy will be available. The blooming variety of fruit and vegetables available at this early summer season will be the stars of the food show.

    If any allergies, please inform Cecilie: ceciliesofiesvensson@gmail.com


    We will be hosted by the lovely www.stuebjerggaard.dk - a nicely renovated farmhouse niched right next to the stunning Tisvilde forest and just a short 20-min walk to the local sand beach. You can expect to be surrounded by the beauty and rawness of the elements for the nourishment of both body and soul. Stunning sunset views from the venue and many quiet walks available.

    It is located 50 min from Copenhagen and easily reachable by public transportation.


Your teachers:

Cecilie Sofie Svensson:

The fusion of power and softness, and how these two can come together both in a dynamic and strong practice and in a more gentle type of yoga, is probably what excites me the mostin my own practice as well as my teaching. How we balance and apply these two words to our personal practice on and off the mat is of great learning to me. Fundamentally yoga keep reminding me of my wish to be present in this life. Its the ongoing work of staying true to my values and beliefs and yet soft and open to the continuous and inevitable promise of change. At its best yoga sharpens my insight and softens my understanding and offer me the opportunity to look at myself and my surroundings from a kinder and more honest place. My classes are a mix of listening, feeling, moving, and playing. As much as I value the door into a philosophical, mental, emotionel and energetic personal space a yoga class potentially can offer, I really really love a good flow. So also expect creative sequences, fun transitions and occasionally a good sweat!


Cedric Gorinas: In my yoga and meditation classes, my intention is to help you find (or find again) a good and healthy posture, build strength and flexibility in your body, along with helping you slow down and soothe your nervous system in a deep way. I am passionate about the interconnectedness of body, mind, and what the ancient sages called “heart;” that deep, mysterious part within. I see yoga as a way to grow and evolve to the best, most authentic and wise version of ourselves, one move, one breath, one movement at a time. Deeply inspired by ancient wisdom teachings and their application in our daily lives, you will be guided with what some call my “signature-style” of heart-infused themes and sharp precision tools for empowering body awareness and alignment, clarifying the mind, and softening the heart. 


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